

On the Problem of Construction of a New Base in Nago City and the Citizens’ Response as Shown in Elections

03vote_ps 【Note】
The Nago Plebiscite of 1997 decided against construction of a new base. However, under pressure from the government pushing for construction of a new base, a city government and mayor favoring “conditional acceptance” were elected (mayoral elections in 1998 and 2002). “Opposition” to the new plan adopted by US and Japanese governments after they unilaterally rejected the “conditions” was the upshot of the mayoral elections in 2006.

The base-pushing government was defeated in elections in 2009 and a coalition government replaced that of the LDP that had governed Japan throughout the postwar. It becomes highly likely that it intends to overturn its electoral pledge to shift the base either elsewhere in Japan or outside Japan. The outcome of the Nago mayoral election in January is crucial now for the citizens of Nago to have their say.





1996: Announcement of SACO agreement that a Futenma Replacement Facility (FRF) would be built in Okinawa.

1997: By a majority, a Nago Plebiscite decides against construction of the base.

1998: At the Nago mayoral election, a candidate who is for conditional acceptance of the base is elected on a “freeze” stance.

1999: A FRF is accepted on condition of being a joint military-civil facility and its use being limited to 15 years.

2002: At Nago mayoral election incumbent is re-elected on basis of a conditional acceptance.

2005: At the US-Japan negotiations on Reorganization of US Forces in Japan, the conditions sought by Okinawan prefecture were brushed aside and an enlarged Henoko construction plan adopted.

2006: At the Nago mayoral elections, a successor to the incumbent was elected on a pledge to “oppose the onshore construction plan”
Months later, he announces agreement with the Government to the onshore plan with the V-shaped runways.

2009: Change of government in Tokyo. DPJ is elected having called for the FRF to be built outside of Okinawa, whether elsewhere in Japan or overseas. DPJ forms a coalition government.

2010: Nago mayoral elections scheduled for January. One candidate to stand on the basis of “opposition to base construction”


1996 SACO合意で普天間代替施設の県内建設が表明される(※1)

1997 名護市民投票で基地建設反対が過半数を上回る

1998 名護市長選挙:条件付賛成派の擁立候補が同問題を「凍結」として争点化せず当選

1999 普天間代替施設が「軍民共用空港」「15年使用期限」の条件付で、沖縄県知事・名護市長らに受入れられる。以後、政府資金による地域振興事業やサミット会場になるなど特別事業が相次ぐ。

2002 名護市長選挙:条件付受入れの現職市長が当選

2005 在日米軍再編協議で沖縄側の受入れ条件は廃止され、新たに規模拡大したプランで合意がなされる。(※2)

2006 名護市長選挙:現職の後継候補が日米合意「沿岸案反対」を公約に当選

2009 「政権交代普天間代替施設の県外・国外を主張していた民主党・他の連立政権が誕生。(※3)

2010 名護市長選挙:「基地建設反対」を主張する対立候補と現職の一騎打ち

SACO(沖縄における施設及び区域に関する特別行動委員会・日米特別行動委員会;(Special Actions Committee on Okinawa)は、少女暴行事件(1995)に端を発する県民の怒りに対応した日米両政府の提起のように受け取られたが、同時期に日米安全保障共同宣言(21世紀に向けての同盟)-(Japan-U.S. Joint Declaration on Security, Alliance for the 21st Century)が行われるなど、日米安保体制のあり方を転換する一環であった。

「日米同盟:未来のための変革と再編」(U.S.-Japan Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future)、翌2006年に「再編実施のための日米のロードマップ」(United States-Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation)。在沖米海兵隊のグアム移転、日米の役割分担などが日米合意される。在日米軍再編ではなく「日米軍事再編」という捉え方が、合意における自衛隊の役割拡大などより実態に即していると指摘される。







